
Chip Tuning Warszawa

Chiptuning Warszawa - Zwiększenie mocy silnika, Eco-tuning - modyfikacje, tuning silnika.

OBD INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: RCG Chiptuning ProRacing® OBD RED/BLACK Series Digital Chip Tuning Box

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Ściągniete z Youtube Autochiptuning24.pl/ profesjonalny chip tuning, elektronika samochodowa i DPF/ FAP OFF w Warszawie. Chip Tuning, usuwanie filtrów DPF, Serwis FAP, mechanika, Warszawa i okolice.

10 thoughts on “OBD INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: RCG Chiptuning ProRacing® OBD RED/BLACK Series Digital Chip Tuning Box

  1. What happens if I unplug it after I park and come back later and plug it right back up? Do I have to reset the box again, or will it remember the previous data? It would be a pain to have to reset it after every time I have to unplug it. One last thing, If I just leave it plugged up, would it drain the battery?

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